Sunday, 15 March 2020

The dream is not over

"But remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention of me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house."
                                                                                  Genesis 40:14.  NKJV

After Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, he spent a total of 13 years in Potiphar's house and in prison, before he was released and made the Prime Minister of Egypt by Pharaoh. This was a long time hoping and waiting to be set free.

While in prison, Joseph interpreted dreams to two other prisoners - the Chief Baker and the Chief Butler. To the baker, the dream interpreted that Pharaoh would hang him. To the butler he would be restored to his place in Pharaoh's house. When they were released, this is what happened. Just prior to their release, Joseph asked the Chief Butler to remember him to Pharaoh, so he too, could be released. However, he forgot and didn't remember him again for two years. It could be said that Joseph was trying to do God's work for Him by trusting in this man to help him be free. After all, the scriptures tells us, 'Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his strength."  (Jeremiah 17:5). However, God does also expects us to push a few doors for ourselves instead of just waiting and doing nothing. And this is what Joseph did.

It was a full two years before Joseph heard more about this. Pharaoh had had a dream that troubled him and none of his magicians could interpret it. Suddenly, the Chief Butler remembered Joseph and that day, after successfully interpreting the dream, he was promoted to Prime Minister - second in charge of Egypt.

At times, the dreams within our own hearts burn within us but we get little opportunity to release them by putting them into action. We have to wait and hope that 'today may be the day.' This is where you may be at this time. God may have planted something within you and you have waited, perhaps, many years and it still has not come to fruition. Don't lose heart. Just remember how Joseph's life changed overnight. God can do the same for you in the twinkling of an eye.

The Christian singer and writer Mal Pope, wrote a song a few years ago and I would like to share with you some relevant words from it:

'The dream is not over, it lives in my heart
And for this Holy calling, You've set me apart
There's an unfinished symphony, waiting to start,
The dream is still strong and alive.'
                                     The dream is not over, Copyright Mal Pope

Your dream is still strong and alive. It may not have happened yet, but don't give up. At the right time, God will bring it into play and that could be today. You never know when. Joseph could not have imagined in his wildest of dreams that his life would change so drastically, overnight. But it did. And it will for you too.

There's an unfinished symphony in your heart, that is waiting to come alive. Get ready; get excited; get enthused and energised. It is coming!

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