Mark 14:72. NKJV
Like you, I've read this piece of scripture hundreds of times over the years, but I've just realised something new about it. Jesus never said to Peter, 'and I'll never forgive you.' He never said anything like that at all.
We often hear in the world, people say to others, 'If you do that, and it goes wrong, don't come running to me.' But Jesus never said anything like that at all. There was not the slightest hint that Peter would lose his place with Jesus, or not be forgiven. Jesus didn't have to say that, Peter was suffering as it was. He realised what he had done.
Remember The Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32? He left his father with his inheritance and squandered it having a good time in the world. When it all went pear-shaped, he went home. Note how the father reacted. He didn't have a go at time, telling him all that he had done wrong and how he had let the family down. No; he saw him from a distance - because he had been waiting and watching for him, and then he ran and threw his arms around him, kissed him and then arranged a great party.
That is the heart of our Father. Jesus has paved the way for us to return to the Father and be forgiven. Peter thought it was all over; but he was wrong. When Jesus was resurrected, He restored Peter and forgave him.
And He will you too. He will never point the finger at you. You may blow it a thousand times but as you ask Jesus to forgive you, He will show you His grace and throw His arms around you.
You are His. You belong to Him and Jesus can't stop Himself from showing you His love and favour and also restoring you back to your rightful place.
If you think you've blown it, talk to Jesus about it and you'll find that for this very purpose He hung on that cross and died for you!
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
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