Thursday, 2 April 2020

Where did the baskets come from?

"And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish."
                                                                                    Mark 6:43.  NKJV

We often read the account of Jesus feeding the five thousand. We are also familiar with the fact that, the disciples gathered up twelve baskets full of leftovers. We are used to reading this and probably don't give it much more thought than that. However, where did the disciples get the twelve baskets from? There's no mention of them having them prior to this feeding taking place.

Looking deeper into the Jewish people's lives, we find that every Jewish man, carried a basket with him, wherever he went. The Romans often made fun of the Jew and his basket. The basket, which was made out of wicker was shaped rather like a narrow-necked pitcher which then broadened out to make a bigger space. There were two reasons that the Orthodox Jew carried one of these baskets; firstly he carried his own food supplies in the basket. This ensured that he would be eating ceremoniously and clean and pure food. Secondly, many Jewish men at the time, were accomplished beggars and they would place their begging proceeds into this basket. This could well be the reason of the phrase, 'a begging basket.'
The reason there were twelve baskets was obvious, there were twelve disciples. It was into their own baskets that they gathered up the fragments of food so that nothing would be lost.

From this account, we see that Jesus does not want things wasted. He knows that wastefulness, does not glorify God, especially when there is so many famines throughout the world.
Jesus not only supplied the five thousand people with much-needed food, but He also gave back a harvest to the young boy who had given up his lunch in the first place and then supplied His disciples with the food that they needed too.

In Jesus' supply, He takes great care that all His people are catered for and demonstrates that as we, 'Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33). Furthermore, in John 10:10, we're told that He gives abundantly, not only with a full life, but also with everything we will ever need.

Whenever, we find ourselves in need - our money is running out and we have large bills to pay, we're short on food and clothing and the car also needs taxing, try and relax. Then seek God with these needs. He is committed to you and as you seek His help, praising Him all the time, He shall provide all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19).
Therefore, if your basket is empty fill it up with praise and watch Him supply!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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