Thursday, 21 May 2020

The Benefits of God Part one

"Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."     
                                                                                                Psalm 103:1-2.  NKJV

God wants every part of us - body, soul and spirit, to grow close to Him and to enter into a joyful relationship with Him. He seeks worshipers who will gladly give everything they have to Him.
Notice the 'all,' in verse 1. This means everything you've got. He has the best benefit system ever and it isn't subject to assessments and investigations whilst your benefit is frozen. His benefits, which are not means-tested, are free, secure and given daily. He has more to offer than the world could ever give,

The 'Bless the Lord,' that David wrote here, relates to the fact that man could never give a blessing to God; but rather David meant this in a sense that it blesses and honours God, when His people, (we) praise and thank Him for all He does for us, and as our soul is made up of our, mind, will and emotions, this is done with our thoughts (mind), our actions (will), and our reactions (emotions). 

We should worship Him with all we have - with our very being. When we worship Him, the actual Greek word for worship is, Proskuneo, Pros meaning come towards, Kuneo kiss the hand and bow or be prostrate:

"The twenty four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship (Proskuneo) Him, who lives forever and ever.'     Revelation 4:10

We should never be so distracted by anything. Jesus deserves all we've got and we should give Him the best - always! Otherwise, we can end up going to church with things on our minds that distract us and rob the moment of worshiping Him.

Think back over your life and remember all of the things that you know, if it hadn't have been for Jesus, you'd have never made it. There is so much that He has done for you, and furthermore, there is so much He wants to do for you in the future.

Think good thoughts; only do what Jesus would do and react the way that he would. It takes practice, that is true, but it's achievable. When you worship Jesus - truly worship Him, shut everything out that could distract you. You have to 'come towards Him,' so that takes action on your part. You also have to 'kiss and bow down,' again an action on your part. You need to discipline yourself to do this. When you do, the benefits are amazing!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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