Saturday, 23 May 2020

The Benefits of God Part Three

"(3) Who heals all your diseases, (4) who redeems your life from destruction."
                                                                                              Psalm 103:3-4   NKJV

God heals us both naturally and supernaturally. He can use the surgeon, giving spiritual guidance, direction and skill to save a life; or He may miraculously heal someone - something that happens quite often. Alternatively, He may not heal the person in the way that we would have hoped and prayed for, leaving the question, 'Why?' There can be many reasons why someone doesn't receive their healing. Some have claimed the reason was because of, unconfessed sin or even doubt. We will know the answer one day when we're face to face with Him in Heaven. But, until then, never, ever believe that God doesn't heal today, because He does, so hang on to that.

Consider the many times when you have been close to certain death. This could have been through serious illness, a near fatal accident or possible drowning. There may be many incidents to consider. The thing is, God pulled you through; He redeemed you from destruction; angels were around you doing their job. I remember a few years ago, being washed out to sea during a storm. I was walking along the beach one moment, the next, a monstrous wave swept me off my feet and I was was swept out to very deep water. Time and again, I wrestled with the raging waves but all to no avail, they were just too strong. Suddenly, a hand appeared and a woman pulled me out to safety. An angel? It could have been. What I do know, is what I couldn't do, God could and He redeemed me from destruction. Maybe, you have a similar testimony. It's at times like these, that we know, without doubt, that God is there, watching over us and redeeming us. 

Maybe today, you need a healing touch from Jesus. Or you may need redeeming from a certain loss of job or business owing to the Coronavirus Lockdown. This may have left you in serious financial debt. Don't give up! God knows your need; He knows it is a drastic situation. Sit quietly and pour out your heart to Jesus. Remember the woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years and still wasn't well. Think of her as she saw Jesus in the crowd and said to herself, 'If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.'  (Mark 5:28). Reach out your hand in prayer and touch Him by faith, and receive your healing and relief to your situation.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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