Friday, 15 May 2020

Waiting in Faith

"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the LORD."                                                                   
                                                                                                Psalm 27:14.  NKJV

This Psalm was penned by David - a man who knew what it was like waiting for God to move. He had to wait 10 - 13 years after Samuel had anointed him, before he became king. That was a long time, especially when he was chased about by Saul, who was intent on killing him, because of his jealousy.

In our 'hurry up,' world, waiting for anything can cause great tension which can lead to frustration and anger. We want things now! No one enjoys waiting in a queue at the supermarket or bank; and traffic lights are a pain, especially when they're there because of road works, and they're only letting 3 cars through each time. When a car jumps these lights and we have to wait for them to come through, we are tempted to glare at the person and say a few things that are not encouraging to them.  
God wants us to have patience and wait for what He is doing. To rush ahead of Him, doing our own thing or trying to fix things ourselves, can lead to disappointment or even disaster. 

Sometimes, God tests our patience and that is why we enter the 'waiting room.' But not always. God has a plan for us, and for that plan to be successful, He has to push a few buttons elsewhere; so that when we proceed, all will go well.

When God says, 'Wait,' He means it and wants us to do this in faith. We ask Him for things and He tells us not to doubt but believe and then receive. (Mark 11:22-24). Doubt totally negates anything that we ask for in prayer. We have to have faith and believe, whether it is for healing, for a job or whatever else we are seeking for. It may take some time, but during this time, it would be foolish to allow doubt to creep in. The devil loves that: 'God didn't say that, did He?'  Genesis 3:1- 4.

Waiting may be tedious but do it anyway from a faith-filled heart. Whatever you are waiting for God to do for you, stand firm and believe, because it will surely come  (Habakkuk 2:3).

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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