Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Be Ready

"Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching."

Check out the words, 'Be ready', in our text today. Wherever we are in our busy day, there is always someone in need that we come across. They may not tell us this at first, but when we walk closely in the Spirit, two things may happen: (1) The Holy Spirit shines a light on someone, showing us things are not all that well, (2) People pick up on us, that we are different and they begin to feel safe with us.

John Wimber once spoke of a lady who was watching him closely as he did his shopping in a store. He was a little embarrassed at first but then she came up to him and said, 'You're different, what is it?' John picking up on what was happening replied, 'It's the Holy Spirit madam, why don't you draw near to God right now?' And she did and was saved. What had happened? The lady was in need and saw something in John Wimber that she needed - and that was Jesus.

This is not unique. It is not only reserved for ministers or Bible College students. It is available to us all. When we spend a lot of time with someone, we begin to pick up some of their traits. Likewise, when we spend a lot of time with Jesus, we become so much like Him that people begin to notice that there is something about us that they need, even though they may not know what it is. They will begin to tell us their troubles and pains jbecause they feel safe with us. There's a lot of people who have pressing problems in this world but they have no one to unload on - no one who will listen. This is where we come in.

As we live in a state of readiness, the state where we are open to whatever comes our way, people notice this  and just begin telling us all of their problems. Many are genuine, ordinary people. We may meet the odd person who just wants a handout but, they still need Jesus and while they're with us, they have the opportunity.

You may well have had people just coming up to you and telling you their problems. You may not. However, if you live in that state of readiness, that state of being able to show people Jesus; if you live each day filled with God's Spirit, you will begin to have people coming up to you, so be ready!

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