Haggai 1:4-5. NKJV
Most of us are pretty good at making excuses, 'Yes, I'll do that in a minute,' we say, but the minute never comes. Or we may see something that needs attention when we're out and about, but instead of attending to it, we can have the opinion, 'Well, someone will do it, it needs it but I'm pretty busy at the moment.'
The Ancient Hebrews had this kind of attitude. For one reason or another, the temple lay in ruins but instead of focusing on this, forming a team and putting it right, they decided to put their own comforts first. They rebuilt their own houses into dream homes and neglected God's house - the temple.
Let's put this into a personal perspective; God's Word tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). We have been cleansed from all unrighteousness. We have been made whole, a friend of God. And yet, many of us, can be tempted to place God second in our lives.
This may sound harsh, but many Christians do not tithe their income whether it be from their earnings or a pension. Many feel, 'I can't afford to live, let alone give my money away.' And yet, when you consider this, it is God's money in the first place and he's not asking for it all, just a tenth.
What about God's Word? Many bibles hardly see the light of day. Others are taken to church once a week and then, placed back on a shelf. To live the way God wants us to live, we need to read His Word; we need His direction and we need a relationship with Him. Christianity is not a pastime; it is a way of life, we cannot afford to neglect it.
This is why God is saying, 'Consider your ways.' It's a wake-up call. He must become first in your life. He must be your comfort, nothing else.
It's time to reflect; time to consider and time to decide!
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
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