Saturday, 11 July 2020

Don't blow your own trumpet!

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. (6) Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time."

                                                                                                            1 Peter 5:5-6.  NKJV

When you've done something for God that you're really pleased with, do you seek other people's praise and approval? We all like to be appreciated and thought well of, so consequently we look for praise from people for what we have done. When we do this, we become a trumpet player, announcing to whoever will listen, our latest feat. This can happen if you preach a sermon, lead worship or perhaps give a prophecy. However, God does not want us to be this way.

It is so easy to become proud and arrogant, only doing what we choose to do not always what God has in mind. We may find ourselves saying things like, 'I'll preach but I'm not sweeping the car park or washing up. I know my ministry,' God resists this type of attitude.

One of the main things God looks for in us, is submission. Submission to Him and to His Word. We should also be submissive to each other not thinking higher of ourselves. A closer look at Jesus will give us an idea of what true submission is. He put others first and was always willing to help when He was asked. He became angry at times, yes, but it was righteous anger, the type that confronted people from making a mockery of the temple by trading in there. He also became righteously angry with the Pharisees, who treated people like second-class citizens. But He also had compassion. Look how he dealt with the young woman who was caught in adultery (John 8). He showed her the love and forgiveness of God. He didn't wag a finger at her, or rule over her, He was just honourable; something she had probably never seen in a man and something that would be life-changing for her.
He was submissive even to the cross, knowing the pain He would suffer but realising there was no other way to give each one of us freedom and a new life. He never once blew His own trumpet. He didn't have to, others did it for Him. They saw His works, His love and compassion and they wanted to be with Him. 
Play another tune on your trumpet, such as, 'Jesus is Lord, Thine be the Glory and Amazing Grace'. Allow Jesus to give you His approval, not others. That is the highest honour.

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