Sunday, 5 July 2020

It may sound bizarre, but just do it.

" (14) Make yourself an ark of gopherwood" - "(22) This Noah did it; according to all that God commanded him, so he did."

                                                                                                   Genesis 6:13-22.  NKJV

Noah could well have thought he was hearing things; I mean, build an ark in the middle of dry land? How would you have reacted to that? Probably the same as most of us, I guess. I think the general consensus would have been, 'That was not God - it was me'. However, amazingly, Noah did it (v22) and it looks like he didn't even question it either. Why? Because he had a close relationship with his Father; Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD (Genesis 6:8). Noah was a just man, blameless and full of integrity. He walked with God. (6:9)

It makes me wonder what his family, friends and neighbours must have thought about this. It is not the norm to build a boat in a desert type environment. They must have felt that he was having a crazy moment, possibly a breakdown. Whatever they thought or said, it didn't prevent Noah fulfilling what God had ordained - what He had commissioned him to do for Him, and this is my point for today.

Over the years, God has told me to do some pretty crazy-sounding things; I'm sure that you've had similar requests from Him. When you're walking close with God; when you're hearing Him on a regular basis and your relationship is close, you will know - without doubt, when God asks you to do something that sounds bizarre, that it is Him, not yourself. You will have no doubt. Others may, but God is not speaking to them, He will be speaking to you . When this happens, it doesn't matter what people say or think about it - just do it! Don't let it prevent you fulfilling what God is asking you to do.

It may sound bizarre, it may even sound loopy but when you are close to God, you will know that He is speaking to you. It may be a test; it may be genuine. Whatever it is, do it. People may try to talk you out of it but don't let them; God will continue to confirm it to you. Really, it may be better not to tell anyone, or as few people as possible, but if you do, prepare yourself that they may not agree.

Thank goodness that Noah obeyed God, doing what He asked. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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