Saturday, 18 July 2020

Lessons from the Prodigal Part 3

"But when He was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him."  v20                     Luke 15:11-32.  NKJV

Just focus on this verse for a moment. While the Prodigal was deciding that he would go back home, his father was waiting and looking for him. He was not going to give up hope. He expected his son to return and was so excited about it. The Prodigal had come to his senses and had seen that the grass is not always greener on the other side. He had rehearsed what he wanted to say but, as his father ran up and kissed him, he didn't have the opportunity to say it all, because the father was busy arranging a celebratory party.

This is how it is when we return to Our Father. We may have drifted away for some reason, but He stands there watching and waiting, never for one moment doubting your return.
Think back to the days when you didn't walk with Jesus; those days when you lived for yourself. You may have been happy to a degree but there was always something missing. Whatever was happening in your life at that time, Our Father was watching. He saw the hurt and possible abuse. He saw that broken relationship and the way you were ripped off by society. He was watching when a drug dealer was trying to supply you with something. Some of you may have taken this offer - the Father saw this and His heart was breaking. 'COME BACK TO ME - COME TO ME,' He was shouting but through all your pain and problems you never heard, or if you did, ignored the voice.

But the Father still waited; He still watched in hope that you would return to Him. To you, God was very far away, but actually, He was standing right beside you. Can't you remember the times when you felt someone or something drawing  you in. It was a nice, warm feeling if you remember; a feeling of hope. It was God. Some of you said, 'Yes', to Him and Jesus flooded your heart - changed your lives, and even though the road has been a bumpy one at times, it has been so worth it. When you accepted Him, He showered you with His love and compassion and even threw a party. The whole of Heaven rejoiced.
There are still many others He is hoping will come to Him. He's watching and waiting. If that's you, come home, the Father is preparing a party for you. Just say, 'Yes Jesus, I return to You, forgive me. I am yours.'

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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