Psalm 32:9 NKJV
Yesterday, we looked at the ability to be able to make good decisions for ourselves. Let us take this a little further.
Horses and mules need expert training before they can be of any particular use to someone. Initially, they can be very stubborn, especially the mule or donkey. If they don't wish to obey then this causes a problem. Therefore, they need to be rein-trained, where a bit is placed in their mouth, attached to a bridle. In this way, the trainer encourages them to move their heads and body in the right directions. They can be very stubborn and require expert handling in order to control them because they can't do this themselves. So in other words, they have to be kept in line.
In a similar manner, we need God's help to keep us in line. It's so easy for us to veer off to the left or the right, getting ourselves into all kinds of scrapes. Decisions need to be made; we either want to do things God's way or we don't. When God tells us to do a particular thing, He expects us to do it. We have a choice, yes, but God will win in the end. Take a look at Jonah. God told him to go and preach in the City of Ninevah - a mighty task. Jonah however, decided against this and set off to Tarshish. But God had His way and through a series of problems, Jonah eventually carried out God's wishes - albeit reluctantly.
As stubborn and untrained horses need to be guided by a bit and bridle, we need to be led by The Holy Spirit, in order to carry out His wishes. Whenever we refuse to submit to the Lord's commands, He could choose to guide us to carry out His will through adversity, such as He did with Jonah; and this would be painful.
We have decisions to make. We signed up to serve in God's Army. We're on active service and Jesus is our Commanding Officer. We therefore have very little to kick against. We said, 'Yes', to Jesus and He enrolled us in His Elite. So we made the initial decision to serve Him but there will be many other decisions we will have to make to fulfil His Kingdom business.
There's a saying between regular soldiers, 'If you can't take the flak, then you shouldn't have joined up.' Although this may sound harsh, it's true. We made the decision to follow Jesus, so let's get on with the task with Jesus guiding and leading the way!
Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard
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