Saturday, 29 August 2020

The Secret Place

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."                                                                                        Psalm 91:1.  NKJV

There is so much that goes on in our world; so much stress and anxiety that attempts to latch itself on to us and so much deception and hatred, that we need to be able to stay on top of it all. As we've seen from our studies this past week, David used the skill of strengthening himself in the Lord, and it really is the only way to survive.

When his men were threatening to stone him, even though he was grieving himself at the loss of his two wives, he began to remember past victories, praise God and thus, strengthen himself in the Lord. 

This is a skill that we all must learn if we are to be of value in kingdom business. We must learn to minister to ourselves if we're going to develop the character to reach our potential. It is impossible to reach this destiny in life, without first learning to minister to ourselves.

A great place to start to learn this skill is in the Secret Place - that special place where you meet with God on a daily basis in order to pray, study the Word and give Him all the things that are of concern to you. Where this Secret Place is, is very much dependant on you - what fits in with your routine and what is convenient. It really needs to a place where you can be alone with your Father. It doesn't work when other family members have the TV blaring, the latest Green Day or Metallica song full blast or mobile phones activating.

Check out today's text. It is an encouragement to live in the Secret Place - God's presence, living under the shadow or shelter of the Almighty. The Secret Place is a safe place; a place where there is nothing to fear. A place where we can rest and be refreshed. It's a place where God is, not that He isn't everywhere else in the world, because He is, but it's a place where exclusively He is ours!

It is said that the Eye of a Storm is the most peaceful place on earth. This is why Jesus slept in the middle of the storm (Mark 4:38). He was at peace, He knew the storm couldn't take Him under.

And this is how we can live each day, strengthening ourselves in God. This is how we become strong and victorious. Whatever comes our way, we flick it to the side with God's Word. But we must put it in to ourselves before we can give it out. We must get built up in Him to be of use to ourselves and whoever God leads us to.

If you don't have that Secret Place where you spend time with Jesus everyday, then find one; create one. It may be a room in your house, a shed, a car, on a walk - wherever. But it is far better to have a place where you can have your bible and notes handy, because you will need them. Ask God where is the best 'Secret Place' for you.


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Please renew my strength, Lord

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