Monday, 17 August 2020


Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"       Matthew 6:27   NKJV

People all over the world become ill because of worry. It attacks the heart, the glands and the whole nervous system. It profoundly affects your health. Bob Gass said, 'I have never known a person who died from overwork, but many who died from worry.' 

Jesus, in our text today said, 'Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?' Now a cubit is about 18 inches long, so you can see this would make a big difference to a person's height. But even then, what good would it do if you died of worry? None! George Muller said, 'The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith and the beginning of faith is the end of anxiety.' Did you get that? As soon as worry and anxiety are allowed to enter the situation, faith is deflated. We doubt and go without.

Therefore, common sense tells us that worry is the conclusion of believing the lies of the devil. It brings fear. Fear unhooks us from faith and the supernatural. It puts us in bondage to the natural realm. An acronym of the word FEAR is (F) False (E) Evidence, (A) Appearing, (R) Real (Copyright Bob Gass). Things go wrong or problems pop into our minds and if we're not careful, fear enters in and we start on a downward spiral.

As a Christian, every time we begin to worry we're forgetting who is in charge - Jesus. He said we should seek His Kingdom first. (Matthew 6:33). Now, we either believe and trust Jesus or we don't. Trusting Him requires putting everything into His hands and allowing Him to provide, protect and show us the way through each and every situation. I like The Living Bible's version of 1 Peter 5:7, 'Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.' 

We need to grasp hold of this. Faith needs to rule in our hearts, not fear. So, as soon as any negative problem comes along, we need to cast it over to Jesus. An attitude of joy helps here, because joy is a strength. (Nehemiah 8:10).

Are you a worrier? If so, make it a priority today, to rectify this. Remember, only a small percentage of what we worry about happens, the rest disappears and is forgotten about. So, cast your worrying nature over to Jesus and ask Him to replace it with faith:

'Lord Jesus, from this moment, I refuse to worry about anything. I place my whole life into Your hands and trust You to take care of me. Please Lord, re-energise my measure of faith and give me the ability to cast out fear from this day forth. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

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