"But by by the grace of God, I am what I am and His grace towards me was not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:10. NKJV
The New Living Translation of this verse reads: 'But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out His special favour on me - and not without results.' I like this. It reminds me of a comment I read, years ago, by a chap called John Mason, 'You were born an original - don't die a copy.'
All over the world people try to copy other people. We see young people modelling themselves on the latest pop sensation. Others model themselves on film heroes or football legends. We've all done it at some time in our life. In a way, they become like role models to us, but that is not always a good idea.
But the thing is, you're not who you've modelled yourself on, you are you. God knows you that way. He finds it difficult to get to know whom you're not, and let's face it, you even become confused after a while.
The copycat style mostly begins in pre-adolescence and dependant on your life, can continue for many years. Some preachers model themselves on other preachers instead of finding their own style. Young budding pop stars copy their favourite stars and wonder why they don't get the breaks they were hoping for.
Ask yourself a question. 'Do I copy someone else?' Be honest with this answer, look inside of yourself. God wants you to be yourself not a copy of someone else. 'Yes, but as myself, I don't have much to offer, but when I model myself on.................I'm successful'. That is not true and is a lie from the devil. You are whom God created and He was pleased when He created you: 'Then God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.' (Genesis 1:31). You belong in this verse. He created you and He was very pleased.
Simon Lawton, Pastor of Elim Church, Newcastle writes in his book, Imagine:
'God thought you were worth creating. Isn't it time, you simply enjoyed being you?'
Copyright Simon Lawton 2018 Imagine
God thought you were worth creating; not the person you copy, but little old you. So isn't it time you stopped trying to be someone else? Isn't it time that you became you? You may think that is boring and that you have nothing to offer. But with Jesus, you have lots to offer and God thinks you are amazing. He thinks that you are so amazing that He took your place, paid for your sin in full and gave up His life.
Now that He is the resurrected King of kings, He wants you to understand that there has never been a time - ever, when He didn't think about you with the loving heart of a Father. If you want to copy someone, copy Jesus!
Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard
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