Saturday, 5 September 2020

Think yourself happy

"I think myself happy, King Agrippa, because today I shall answer for myself before you, concerning all the things of which I am accused by the Jews."   Acts 26:1:2.  NKJV

Paul felt fortunate that he was to give an account to one of the highest officials - King Agrippa. He would be answering the trumped up charges that were brought against him by many Jews. He was happy about this and he was also happy that he would have the opportunity to preach the Gospel to him. To Paul, this was a great privilege and an awesome challenge.

In the New King James Version of the bible, verse two, as shown above, uses the term, 'I think myself happy,' whereas many other versions give a more appropriate term of, 'I consider myself fortunate,' or similar. I would like us to consider the former.

Anyone who has seen or heard Bill Winston preach, will know that one of his favourite quotes is, 'I have preached myself happy.' These are not just empty words to make people smile, not at all. The Holy Spirit has fired him up so much that he has become overwhelmed with the power of the Spirit that he can't fail to be happy.

It is possible that we can think ourselves happy. It's true. If we can concentrate on all the negativity in our lives, making ourselves depressed, then we can certainly do the opposite and think ourself happy. Basically, it is about how we see ourselves. 

After receiving a bad report from the spies in Canaan, many of the people feared and doubted about going there. They believed that they would be like grasshoppers in their own sight when they saw the giants of Anak. (Numbers 13:30-33). They saw themselves small and weak in comparison and therefore, that they were incapable. Bob Gass says, 'Our attitude will either lift us above our circumstances or bury us beneath them.'

How do you see yourself? Do you think yourself happy or hide away in fear? We know that joy is a strength, (Nehemiah 8:10). This is why the writer of Psalm 118 said, 'This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.' V22. This verse is not unlike what Paul said, 'I think myself happy,' We have to do it, no one else will do it for us, it's a choice to be sad and fearful or happy and strong.

As long as we have breath, there is life out there and God wants us to live it, be grateful for it and to enjoy it. There are many people who have had their lives cut short who would have loved the opportunity that we have.

Put a smile on your face. Think happy; live happy and breathe happiness to all you meet. It really is a tonic. 'A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.' Proverbs 17:22. Don't live in the valley of dry bones, (Ezekiel 37). Think yourself to happiness and watch your life take off.  😁

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