"Then Jesus turned and seeing them following said to them, 'What do you seek?' They said to Him, 'Rabbi, (which is to say when translated - Teacher) 'where are You staying?' He said to them, 'Come and see.'
v38-39 of John 1:35-51. NKJV
There are two key elements for us to look at here:
(1) The Magnetism of Jesus
(2). Everyday Evangelism
Let's look at Element 1. John the Baptist pointed out Jesus to two of his disciples - possibly John and Andrew. At once, they were captivated by Jesus' charisma and couldn't resist following Him. (v36-37). Jesus on realising that He was being followed, turned and asked them, 'What do you seek?' (v38). The answer they gave was quite interesting, 'Rabbi - where are You staying?' Now this may have been prompted by the fact that Jesus may have turned to walk on and they were concerned that, as they had so much to ask Him, He may disappear in the crowd. Alternatively, it may have stunned them that this prominent man - Jesus, had stopped and turned to speak with them, that all they could do was splutter out this response. Whatever, Jesus answered, 'Come and see' (v39) and that was enough for them. They couldn't resist this offer and ended up staying with Him all the night.
Now let's bring in Element 2 - Everyday Evangelism. First of all, John the Baptist had said to them, 'Behold the Lamb of God,' and they had followed Him. (v36). Then Jesus had simply said, 'Come and see.' (v39) Andrew then told his brother, Simon Peter, 'We have found the Messiah,' and brought him to Jesus. (v41-42). Jesus then told Philip, 'Follow Me'. (v43). Philip told the sceptical Nathanael that they had found Jesus of Nazareth and encouraged him to, 'Come and see.'
These guys had been with Jesus and the effect was amazing. His magnetism had promoted Everyday Evangelism to be introduced with power. Let me tell you something, you do not have to go to Bible College to learn how to use Everyday Evangelism. Spend time with Jesus and it will ooze out of you. How much would you like people to recognise that you are different - that here is something that they need and it is drawing them to to you - Jesus? Well. it is yours for the asking. Ask Jesus for this. If you spend time in His presence, His magnetism - that wonderful power of the Holy Spirit, will flood your life with His love and His power.
Imagine saying to people, I have found Jesus of Nazerath; come and see.' This is available to you, right now. You are a Child of God with the ability to bring people to Jesus! Why not do it.
Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard
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