Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Write out your feelings

"My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."                                Psalm 45:1.  NKJV


I’ve never known a love so strong, love so kind, Grace so sweet,

‘Twas what I sought, back along, a love so fine, faithful to meet.

He guides where this man has never trod, A way that opens up for me, 

His name is the Almighty God, He’s turned me round, made me free. 

Although, His presence can’t be seen, I know His love is all around, 

Calvary – the cross, is where He’s been, And I can shout that I am found.


One day, I’ll see His smiling face, We’ll talk a spell to pass the day, 

That’s a thought that I’ll embrace, Until in front of Him, I’ll lay.

                                                            Copyright 2018 Grahame Howard 

I wrote this poem a couple of years ago. It was a time when I wanted to express myself, express my love for Jesus, but I didn't know how, other than what I know best. Therefore, I wrote my feelings down.

If you've never written down your feelings towards God, why not give it a try. I find that when I praise God, if I don't discipline myself, I tend to become distracted in my busy mind and I go off track and never really get to the point of praying what I mean. So for me, writing things down is much easier.

What I like about this method, is that one can go back over what you've written. It is definitely not an alternative to prayer. That should be uppermost. However, it is a way of getting over to God, how you feel - rather like writing a letter. It is also quite refreshing to do something such as this. It doesn't take any great skill. No editor is going to scrutinise it and rip it apart, unless of course you want to publish anything. It is just a way of communicating with your Father and making sure that what you want to say, is said. Too many times we say the wrong things and wish we hadn't. Why not give it a try. You may find that it works for you.

Here's one more to whet your appetite:


Amid the flutter of a bird in flight,  I saw the figure like a shining Knight,
Gleaming and shining in the new day's sun, like a man in armour from the battle won.

He walked towards me and took my hand, gathered me up, walked along the sand,
He took all my trouble and all my care, gave me His love, for me to share

He said, ‘don’t worry, I’ll work it out for you’ ‘My Word is steadfast and My Love is true’
‘Together we’ll walk till your work is done, then you’ll come into the arms of the Risen Son’

                                                                              Copyright 2010 Grahame Howard


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