Monday, 23 November 2020

How long have you been waiting?

"At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen".                       Isaiah 60:22.  NKJV

Did you get that? At the right time, God will make it happen. Add this also to your memory bank, 'Even though it delays, wait (patiently) for it. Because it will certainly come; it will not delay.' Habakkuk 2:3. Let this settle your spirit as we look a little further at this.

Some believers, have been waiting for years for a husband or wife, or possibly other family members, to become Christians. Up to now, it hasn't happened and you're tempted to believe that it never will either. Don't go there, that is not faith. God does not lie. So if you've been praying for your loved one to get saved, believe and receive it because it WILL happen. Sadly, we don't know when but we do know that God is on to it; it is all part of His plan. If you've asked, you will receive if you don't give up. Be patient, God knows what He is doing. 'Yes but if we were both believers, we could do so much,' you may say, and that is true. But have you ever thought that God may not want your own plans, He has His own and as soon as you give up on yours, He may just bring His own into fruition. Give God, and your loved one, some space.
I know for a fact that some people have been waiting for about fifty or so years and in the blink of an eye, it has happened and their loved one is saved. Just be patient.

As I've said many times, waiting sucks. I believe that I am the world's most impatient man and I have had to learn that I can't have the things I want, just like that. There's often a waiting period.  It can be frustrating, I know, but some seeds take a long time to germinate but when they do, POW, they take your breath away. God doesn't make us wait because He enjoys it. There will always be a reason and sometimes, we can't see this. He may allow us to wait to teach us patience, that's a possibility, but usually there are things that God has to put into place before He can deliver what we have asked Him for. The person you are praying for, may be so far away from God that God needs to do some work on him or her before it will be possible for this to happen. This can take time, hence the waiting period.

In the meantime, do not bludgeon the person with God talk or keep reminding them that they need to make a commitment. It has the opposite effect. Instead of drawing them into the Kingdom, it takes them further away. To a non-believer, trying to force them into the Kingdom of God can be annoying to say the least. Just play it cool. The Holy Spirit is far better at evangelism than you will ever be. Just leave it to Him. Just be yourself, get on with your life, let them see Jesus in you without carrying around the biggest bible in the world or walking round with a wooden cross over your shoulder. Just show them Jesus in your every day behaviour.
And before you know it, they will be saved!


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