Sunday, 1 November 2020

Is your glass half full or half empty?

11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:  12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 
                                                                                                 Philippians 4:11-12.  NKJV

Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Is your glass half empty or half full? This is really important because it demonstrates how content you are. In the Stoic philosophy, this Greek word 'Content' was described as being self-sufficient. Paul takes this further stating that his sufficiency is in Jesus Christ, whose peace and purpose he enjoys regardless of life's circumstances. Bob Gass said, 'When your contentment is based on status or possessions, it can be taken away in an instant. But when it is based on your relationship with Jesus, nothing, absolutley nothing can rob you of it.' 
In this contentment - when your glass is half full, your are satisfied to the point where you are not disturbed or uneasy, regardless of what is happening in your circumstances. You are being an optimist and optimist's thrive on faith. Pessimists, believe and then waver losing it all.

Where would you place yourself? How do you view your life? When the chips are down and there's no food to put on the table and no money in the bank to buy any, how do you cope with this? You may think this is rather extreme; but many people in the poorer regions of our world, have this dilemma every day. If they are believers, they have to trust Him for every scrap of food that they can get. This is their way of life and it is very much alien in our comfortable Western life.

The thing is, when we act in a pessimistic manner, it can actually stress us out. We constantly worry about what is going to happen next. This leads to sleepless nights and eventually to sickness if we're not careful. Do you really believe that God loves you? Are you convinced that in anything, He won't let you down? A pessimist will ask God for something and will then begin to doubt in their heart that He will give you this. They only see doom and gloom ahead. Some may believe that because they have been in a Covid 19 hotspot that they may now test positive for the virus. It's true. It is all doom. 'I won't apply for that job because I won't get it,' type of thing. The thing is, you'll never know unless you try.

If you can identify with this, isn't it about time that you gave yourself - and others, a break and start being more positive in your outlook? It is far better to have a glass that is half full. 
Start practicing living with a half full glass instead of a half empty one and I think that you'll begin to enjoy the things around you, much better.

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