Sunday, 8 November 2020

We have missions to perform

"Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." 
                                                                                                        Matthew 6:10   NKJV. 

God has given us missions to carry out for Him here on earth.
(1)   Preach the Good News (Gospel) to everyone. Mark 16:15-19. NLT
(2).  Establish His kingdom and will on earth as it is in heaven.

You see, when satan rebelled in Heaven and was cast out, the earth fell into his hands. So the will of God could not be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Therefore, God created a man (Adam) with the intention of recovering the earth for Himself. Sadly, Adam blew it, but God always has a plan, He sent Jesus to bring Heaven's rule on the earth and recover it for God's interest, so that the will of God could be done on earth as it is in Heaven. God's relying on us - His people to pray for this and live in such a way that this may be established.

One day, Jesus will return and the way the world is going at this time, it would be easy to predict that it is imminent. However, we have no idea when this will be. People in the past have predicted Jesus' coming over the years and not one of them has been right. I remember a time about 30 years ago, when someone paid a vast fortune for a double spread in the broad sheet newspapers, claiming he was Jesus and claiming that he would be returning in a week or so - we had to be ready. Of course, the date passed and we were still here. Then there was a sports presenter who on live TV claimed that he was Jesus Christ. People have tried things like this for years. When Jesus returns, He will not need to place advertisements in the newspaper advising us of this. He will come quickly, like a thief in the night 2 Peter 3:10.

Until then, we have work to do. Everything we say and do needs to be a reflection of whom we claim to be. If we claim to be a Christian, we need to be displaying this wherever we find ourselves, and this includes in our own home when we're behind closed doors. We need to establish God's kingdom in our home and His will. It should be done as it is in heaven. That's right, we need to take action and live in such a way that we live up to what He has made us - kings and priests to God Revelation 1:6.

The time has come when we need to take control of ourselves. Jesus may be coming soon. If He does, what is He going to find? Imagine being caught out in immoral behaviour if He walked into your home. It's unthinkable. This is why, I say that we need to take stock of ourselves and live the life. Don't let us ever claim to be what we're not. If we are Kingdom people - kings and priest to God, then let us live in such a way and go flat out that if God's Kingdom is to come, then let His will be done on earth (wherever we may find ourselves), as it is in Heaven.

Make a reputation for yourself as you establish God's Kingdom wherever you go. Does it really matter what people may think of you. Isn't it far better to offer God's Kingdom to your family
and whoever you may meet along the way.

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