Tuesday, 3 November 2020

We never give up!

"But we are not like those who turn away from God to their own destruction. We are the faithful ones, whose souls will be saved."                                           Hebrews 10:39.  NLT

Some versions say, 'We are not of those who shrink back....' What does this mean? Basically it points to the people who turn away or draw back when they are in the face of adversity. When the going gets tough, many back away because it is too overwhelming for them to go on. Really, it means, giving up.

Many give up when they feel the odds are against them. This may be in a simple way, such as a game of Monopoly. The other players may be gaining all of the property and money and it is easier to give in instead of staying and trying to get back in the game. I remember a time back in my army days when I was playing a few frames of snooker with my best friend. He started on a winning streak and I couldn't do anything right. After a few frames, I hung the cue back up in the holder, said a few harsh words with my friend - in fact, quite a few harsh words; I wasn't a Christian then - and then stormed out of the hall like a spoilt child. I not only lost the frames but I lost my best friend because he wouldn't speak to me again - ever, no matter how much I pleaded. He's dead now and it saddens me that I never got to put it right with him. That is why it is so important not to give up. When we do, we not only lose our peace with God but we can lose much, much more.

Destruction can be only a few heartbeats away unless we are careful and keep our eyes on God. We are not called to give up, walk away or draw back, we are Children of God and no matter what we are facing, we are called to stand and keep on standing. (Ephesians 6:13). No matter what we face, we rely and trust on God to get us through and by doing this, we receive confidence to take the next step, preserving our souls - our mind, will and emotions.

Most of us have turned back in the face of adversity at some time in our walk with Jesus. If Peter did it by denying Jesus, then we are no different. Peter knew that he had done wrong and was so full of remorse and pain (Luke 22:61-62). Even though Peter had denied Jesus, he still hung around and although broken, was never far away from Jesus and the others. And then, finally on that breakfast morning (John 21:15-17), Jesus restored him and he never looked back.

You too, may have let Jesus down. You've carried that remorse and emptiness around that only Jesus can fill, and now He wants to restore you back to your rightful place with Him. If you're willing, why not say this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I feel that I have let you down in the past by shrinking back when I should have been surging forward. My lack of confidence, teaching and embarrassment have prevented me from going deeper in You. I am sorry Lord, please restore unto me, the joy of Your salvation (Psalm 51) and help me to walk the walk with You from now on. Amen 

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