Wednesday, 25 November 2020

You are so loved and so special

"As You sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world." 
                                                                                                                    John 17:18   NKJV

You are so special to the Father. You need to know this today. No matter what is happening in your life at this time, you are special and very loved. Just look at some of the evidence about this. He died in your place, on the cross, so that you could have a chance in life. He walks beside you - all the time and will never leave you. But, more than that, He trusts you. If He didn't, what Jesus says here is wrong and I doubt that very much. Jesus was talking to His Father and saying that He had sent us (you and I) out into the world as the Father had sent Jesus. What has He sent us out for? To be His ambassadors, to spread the Good News (Gospel) to all who will listen, so that they too, will have the chance He gave you and I.

He calls us His friends (John 15:13-17). That in itself is amazing. God the Son - Jesus, who was there at creation, calls us His friend. That is mind-blowing and that should make you feel pretty special. But there is more. Jesus told the Father, 'I in them and You in Me that they be made perfect  in one, and that the world may know that, You have sent me and have loved them as You have loved Me.' John 17:23. God the Father, loves you and I as much as He does Jesus. That is doubly mind-blowing.

So then, Jesus has sent you to carry out His mission to the world. He calls you His friend and God loves you as much as He does Jesus. Can you take some more of this? Ok, grab this. He clothes you, He feeds you, He watches over you. He has given you somewhere to live, someone to love, possibly a job and money to live on. You may not be rich by the world's standards but you have the riches of Heaven to look forward to and if you think that it's great to be alive and here at this moment, then just try and imagine what it will be like when you are posted to glory. We don't fully know what that will be like but no one has come back and complained yet.

Things may not be good for you at this time. It may be hard-going to get through each day. You may feel cheated, let down, walked all over, lonely and desperate. However, things have a habit of changing very quickly when you put your hope in Jesus. Listen, He is the only one that can take you through this awful time. Trust Him, He trusts you and He's the best friend you will ever have.

Alternatively, things may be ok for you but you know deep inside you that something is missing. Have you left Jesus out of things? Be honest, He is. Your friend is here. In fact, for anyone who is reading this, let me say that, you are on Jesus' mind, yes that's right. He's thinking of you. Why not talk to Him right now:

Lord Jesus
I need You, things have been getting me down just lately and I can't find a way through to make it better. But I know You know the way. Please help me today. I've just read that you are my friend and the Father loves me as much as He does You. Please come into my life and demonstrate that right now. I need you.
                                                                        In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

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