Sunday, 6 December 2020

A Pseudo Christian

"having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people, turn away." 
                                                                                                        2 Timothy 3:5   NKJV

There are people around who say all the right things in the Christian circle but, it is an outward pretence. They are pseudo - false. The Apostle Paul warns us about such people in 2 Timothy 3 & 4. If you've not read it recently, it is worth a read again.
We can be deceived by such people; after all, the devil is the ultimate deceiver and will do all he can to spread his pseudo truth whenever and wherever, he can. 

Pseudo Christianity goes through the motions of religion but never gives the deity to Jesus Christ. It is selfish and self-seeking. It can consist of unbelief, pride, greed, lust, unforgiveness and gossip. Let's be honest, we can all have these from time to time, but we're looking at a permanent form, the Pseudo Christian.

Just look at the evidence here: the person has a form of godliness but denies its power. Some may gather such a person into their fold because they say what they want to hear, not what should be said - itchy eared people 2 Timothy 4:3. This is serious stuff, because if there is no repentance, Jesus will come and remove their lampstand from it's place. Revelation 2:5. In other words, He will withdraw and His presence will no longer be in that church or that person.

We need to look within ourselves here. I've mentioned that it is serious stuff and it is. Can you honestly, hand on heart, approach the Throne of God and be confident that your place in Heaven is guaranteed? Some may say, no one can guarantee this, but you can. If Jesus has washed your sin away, you have a place in Heaven and you can confidently approach Him. 
But are there any things that are unseen by people, things that you may do or say when you are alone? Really you are not alone, because Jesus sees what you do - all the time. Can you honestly be confident that if you were to die today and stand before Jesus that there would be nothing that He could bring up about you?

Scary stuff isn't it? This is why we have to look within ourselves and if we know we are guilty of something, repent. Can you say this prayer from Psalm 139:23-24:-

'Search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there are any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.'

Now, relax and listen to see if God reveals anything. If He does, repent and know that you can be confident of a place in Heaven.

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