Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Don't give in to despair

"Simon Peter said to them, 'I am going fishing.' They said to him, 'We are going with you also.' They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing."                                                                                    John 21:3   NKJV

Following Jesus' crucifixion and appearance to many of the disciples, Peter and some of the others were sitting around totally full of despair. What had it all been about, was uppermost in their minds? They were bored, broken, lonely and desperate. They had walked with Jesus and it had been wonderful. Now, He wasn't there. They would have been confused. Had they really seen Him again? If they had, where was He now? They were gutted; they had lost everything and there was nothing left. It had all been meaningless. You can hear the despair in Peter's words, 'I am going fishing.' 

Yet on the other side of the coin, there was still a fighting spirit left within them. Just the fact that they decided to go out with there boats, showed that they were not going to lay down and give up totally. They had a survival spirit within them. It wasn't very strong but, it was still there. However, it was short-lived. They went out fishing and they caught nothing. These were experienced fishermen; if they couldn't catch fish no one could. Yet they didn't. Why? It was because their hearts were not in it. It was all meaningless.

When we become this way, it is hard to see the point in anything. It is not a case of feeling sorry for ourselves. It is more deeply-rooted. We have had everything; life was good and business was booming. Suddenly, it has all changed and there doesn't seem to be much point. But there always is. Deep down within you, there is that fighting, survival spirit. That spirit that tells you never to give up. It is there.

Life may have been a little unkind just lately. But it has to others as well. The same rain that falls on you, falls on them too. No one is exempt times of despair and heartache. It is universal and we have to find a way through it all. There is life out there and we have to grab it with both hands. A fighting spirit never gives up. Peter and the others used this when they got up and went out fishing. They would not surrender. And what did they get in return? Initially, a smack in the face when, after their efforts, they caught nothing. But watch this, Just moments later a mighty blessing came their way and they had a major catch of fish when Jesus spoke to them, directing them what to do.

And this will happen to you as well. As you refuse to give up, He will take your hand and lead you to blessing. 
Don't give in to despair.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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