Wednesday, 16 December 2020

He walked through our part of Samaria

"Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?"                    Luke 17:17   NKJV

Ten men who had leprosy, approached Jesus as He passed through Samaria on His way to Jerusalem. They asked Him to have mercy upon them - they needed healing. He spoke with them and then told them to go and see the priest. This was normal procedure as the priest would verify the healing. However, they were healed as they made their way there. Not all people who are prayed for receive their healing at that time. Rather like these men, they may receive healing later as they go by faith.

One of the healed men, returned to Jesus giving glory to God. But the other nine went on their way. This shows that some worship God for the good things He does for us at the time, whereas, others ask Him for help and when they receive it, they get on with their lives with no gratitude in their hearts at all. 

Be honest; haven't you ever done this? You've prayed for something and when you receive it, give very little in the way of gratitude to God. I remember a few times before I was saved, when I had various types of problems. I wasn't a Christian but I'd always believed in God, so I prayed, asking Him to help me, promising Him everything I could think of. And he did answer me and yet, I never even gave Him thanks afterwards, or the gratitude that he deserved. Shameful, but He forgave me.

This man who had returned healed to Jesus, was an outcast. He had not only had leprosy - a dreaded disease, but he was also a Samaritan - a hated race in the eyes of a Jew. And yet, Jesus not only walked through Samaria but He healed these ten diseased men.

In a way, you and I were outcasts before we knew Jesus. We were riddled with sin that would prevent any of us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, as outsiders we were destined to hell - total separation from God and all other believers. But Jesus walked through our part of Samaria and as we called out to Him, He took these outcasts and turned you and I into cherished and precious children of God.

Now, doesn't that make you want to go to Him and worship Him, showing Him all of our gratitude?

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