Friday, 25 December 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus

"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 
                                                                                                                Isaiah 9:6   NKJV

Many people throughout this world are today, celebrating Christmas Day and the birth of Jesus. Even though He was born 2000 or so years ago, it is like He has been born again this day. Why? Because He is a living God. His energy and vitality know no end. However, many only know Him as a baby. They are wrong because that baby, turned into the almighty and everlasting, powerful God who chose to come to earth so that He could be with His people - you and I. Family are meant to be together at Christmas and Jesus is family. He is our brother but in His status of Mighty God, He is our Father too. He is everything to us, He is all we need and he chose to spend Christmas with you.

You may be alone this Christmas, but really, you are not. Your brother, your Father, your Counsellor and your Prince of Peace has decided to spend Christmas Day with you. In fact, He is willing to spend each and every day with you. Everyday can be like Christmas Day with Jesus in your life. Note the the words, 'Everlasting Father'. He is not your Father for a day and then decides to go away again. Many people throughout this world know what it is like to live life without their father in their family. I'm talking about, the father's who for one reason or another, have walked away. My heart goes out to you; but more importantly, Jesus' heart is broken because of this fact - because you have an emptiness within your life. Right now, I want to tell you, that Jesus wants to fill that void; that empty, emotional space. If you will allow Him to, He will be Your Father - a Father who will always be there for you and He will build you back up again. This could happen this day.

Furthermore, there are other people who are lonely this Christmas period. A death may have brought about an emptiness that you find hard to live with. There are no words that can make this better to live with, no magic wand can be waved as in the movies where everything goes from gloom to happiness in the blinking of an eye. But, on the other hand, no one can help you more than Jesus can. Look at His names again, Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. One of the names, if not all, can address your pain and loneliness if you'll reach out and take hold of the hands that want to lift you up.

On this Christmas Day, Jesus wants you to celebrate with Him, His birth and His birthday like you have never done before. If you are willing; if you feel you are needing a Father or someone to give you love or just someone who will give your life a spiritual boost, why not receive the best Christmas present of all:

Lord Jesus, I need You. Things have not been the way that I planned them to be. I have an empty heart, I have pain, I need your help and I need your love. Please come and live in my heart today. Forgive me my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. May this Christmas, be the best ever. Amen

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄


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