Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Be ready - demons will attack!

"But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, a viper came out, because of the heat, and fastened on his hand." 
                                                                                                             Acts 28:3    NKJV

Paul having survived being shipwrecked, found himself on the island of Malta. They were drenched because of being in the sea and because it was raining too. Islanders had laid a fire for them and so Paul began gathering some firewood. 

Paul gathered the sticks and was immediately bitten by a viper as he laid them on the fire. This snake had probably been hiding or sleeping within the undergrowth and Paul hadn't noticed it. This is characteristic of a snake, they are very crafty and wriggle into situations and because of their small size and colouring, it can be difficult to notice them before it is too late. This snake, alarmed by the heat of the fire, fastened itself on to Paul's hand and wouldn't let go. However, Paul shook it off and threw it back into the fire. He wasn't harmed at all.

Let us look at this more closely. Wherever God is, the devil and his demons are present to try and counteract everything He is doing. Think for a moment, if this viper had succeeded in killing Paul, it may have been a totally different story. But Paul was filled with the power of God and living this way, he let nothing get in his way. That is food for thought for a start.

The snake could be described as a serpent and, as we assume in Genesis 3, that the serpent was the devil, then we can see that a demon was out to put a stop to Paul's work. Be aware, that wherever God is working 'big time', the heat is on and demons (snakes), will come out and attempt to attack. Note that they can't remain in the heat, this is impossible, because this is where God is. Therefore, they crawl around in the darkness ready to strike and bite whenever they can. Notice also, that they can only crawl so a foot can easily be placed on their neck. More food for thought.

Keep your eyes open and be alert. If things are going well in your Christian walk, you are a candidate for attack. This is not said to make anyone panic but to emphasise the necessity of being ready and alert. The attack can come from anywhere. When things are becoming heated in a Godly manner, make sure that you tread carefully and be at full strength in God. This way, when it comes, like Paul, you can shake it off.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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