Saturday, 2 January 2021

Do it to others first

"And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise." 
                                                                                                                   Luke 6:31   NKJV

We reap what we sow, did you know that? What we do and say to others reflects back to us too. So, if we treat some people unfairly, sooner or later they're going to want to do the same to us. If we speak to them in a bad way, they will do the same to us as well. This is the law of the world. But Jesus changed all of that by telling us to love people and show them the peace of God. We are different, or should be. If we only show them love when they show us love, then we have got it wrong.

Someone once told me that, 'We should be courteous on our way up because you never know who'll you meet on your way down'. And it is true. Leaders who bully their people may find this later on in their ministry. The person they were horrid to, may take over from their leadership.It's the same for bosses in companies. You just don't know who you will meet in the future. We should always be courteous to people we meet, whether we know them or not. At times, we may meet people who we don't really get on with or even don't particularly like. It's true, we can't always connect with people. But one thing we should do, is show them respect and the love of Jesus. This is having a Christ-like character.

God wants us to show all people His love and we do this by being Jesus to them. Remember, if you want to be treated kindly, then show kindness to others. If you want good things for yourself, then you must want them for other people as well. We are called to bless people not curse them Romans 12:9-21. Don't just send someone a greetings card because they sent you one first. Be the first to send that card. We should always be showing examples of Jesus.

We should not attempt to change people and put them into our mould. The mould we should attempt to direct them to, is Jesus' mould. Bob Gass once said, 'The only thing you can change about others, is your attitude towards them'. Did you get that? We need to accept people for what they are, we not here to judge, and furthermore, we should not expect too much from people either. At this moment, they may be doing the best they can do. Just love them and be courteous to them. This is how they will see Jesus.

If you want to be blessed, bless others!

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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