Friday, 15 January 2021

In it to win it

"And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased."                          Matthew 14:32   NKJV

Notice that while the disciples were in the boat, it was mayhem, with a gale force wind and crashing waves threatening their lives. However, Jesus came along walking on this water and at first, thinking it was a ghost, Peter shouted out to Him, 'Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.' And He did and Peter got out of the boat and walked towards Him. However, this was short-lived, because the mighty waves crashing about him, took Peter's focus and he began to sink and would have drowned unless Jesus had saved him. While the others were still cowering in the boat, the wind and the waves ceased and all was calm. What happened to change this? Jesus and Peter had climbed into the boat. 

There used to be a game show on TV featuring a well-loved celebrity. It was called 'In it to win it', the idea being that you had to purchase a Lottery ticket before you had the chance to win the jackpot. The example of Peter provides us with a similar principle. Peter had to be in the boat before he could be sure that he was safe - in Jesus' arms.

When we're foolish enough to go out in our own strength, to a ministerial situation, we have to be willing to pay the price. Peter had said, 'Lord, if it is You, command me to get out of the boat and come'. Peter had the faith to do this but not the faith to sustain it. Both the wind and the waves distracted him and his faith diminished. There's a lesson here, Jesus may call us to do something but, He expects us to be prepared for the flak, such as problems, jealousy, lack of funds and complaints etc.etc. If we are going to get out of the boat by faith, we need to keep ourselves in that place of faith. If we don't, we may also sink.

Jesus told Peter to come, not to look at what was all around him. He wanted Peter to remain focused on Him and that is all. There are many things that distract us on a daily basis. We may be having a quiet time reading our bible when the telephone rings and we answer it. Whether it's good or bad news, we have lost our focus. The devil loves to distract us when he can. If he can get us to take our focus off Jesus and to what's happening around us, he is happy. It takes discipline to prevent things coming between us and God in our special moments with Him. 

That day, with Jesus in the boat, it was a safe place to be. Yes, there comes a time when we need to get out. However, we need to ensure that our faith is sharp, our walk with Jesus strong and that we take Him with us, wherever we go.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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