Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Jesus knows what He is doing

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us."                                       Ephesians 3:20   NKJV

One thing is for sure, at this moment in time, you may not know what the Father is doing but, Jesus does and He's the one to trust. He knows the Father far better than we could ever do, and what's more, as we continue to trust Him, He will reveal more and more of what He has for us. He does it in stages because if he told us everything at once, we wouldn't be able to comprehend it; it would be too overwhelming.

Take for example Ephesians 3:20. He can do more than we could ever think; more than we could ever desire and much more than we could ever dream about. But note the latter part of this verse: 'according to the power that works in us' - and that is the Holy Spirit. God the Father sent Jesus and Jesus, when He had ascended into Heaven, sent the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the one that works the power within us. Without Him, very little will happen. With Him, He is our total power and guide, our truth-bearer and our friend.

God the Father, loves to surprise us. He is our Daddy and most Daddies love to thrill their children with gifts and love. Our Father loves to surprise us - His faithful people, with answers to our prayers that far exceed anything we could have hoped, imagined or asked Him for. He has wonderful plans for our lives so, refuse to be discouraged by disappointments that come your way. They are temporary, they are gone in a flash and sometimes, they are sent by God as a test to ascertain just how much we trust Him. When He sees our trust, when we pass the test, He can open the gates of His blessing towards us. So keep faithful to Him and continue to believe that He will answer any prayer in a manner that is better than you could ever have dreamed about. In fact, more than your wildest dreams. Why? Because, He is totally for you.

Just a quick word about disappointments. Sometimes thay come as tests from God because He wants us to learn something or overcome a particular point. However, at times the devil has a hand in the disappointment and if we allow him to, will completely wreck our minds with his lies. Don't let him do this. You have authority as a believer of Jesus Christ, to give the devil his marching orders. You can tell him to leave, and he must do this. He may cause some trouble in the process, but use your armour (Ephesians 6 - you should be wearing it all the time) - a believer clad in the armour of the Lord is a powerful warrior and when you prayerfully order him to be evicted from your presence, he will have to leave.

So, don't give in to disappointment because, following each disappointment there will be a blessing if you are in the right attitude spiritually. Jesus knows what He is doing and if you give Him your all, you too will know what you're doing.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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