Sunday, 31 January 2021

Live Victoriously

"I am the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end', says the Lord, 'who is, and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.'                                      Revelation 1:8    NKJV  

Here, Jesus used the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet - Alpha = beginning, Omega = End. The beginning included the creation - the very start of our world as we know it. There was nothing created that He didn't create in union with God and the Holy Spirit. He even created you. When you consider that, it is mind-blowing to hear that the Almighty created each of us. Just think, when we are doing a task and create something - such as a model, a painting or a special meal, we know everything about what we have made - the weaknesses and the strengths, but we are still pleased with our efforts and delight in the kind comments we may receive. This is how God was and is about, His creation of us.
Jesus was in charge of all history - before, during and the future. He has got us this far and there is nothing to indicate that he will stop now. 

The terms, 'Who is', shows us His existing power. He's still on the Throne and will remain there no matter what happens. The term 'Who was', demonstrates He was continually existing in the past, whereas, 'Who is to come', - He is the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the ruler of all.

His word is final. What He says remains. His word reaches out and fulfils what He declares. He never wastes words and neither should we. We serve the Almighty God and subsequently, we have access to His power through the Holy Spirit. 

If you only realised just how important and powerful you are. When you are walking in step with Jesus Christ, demons actually tremble because they recognise the power you have in Him. James 2:19. This is why they have their meeting to discuss tactics and what can be done to stop you. When you have your eyes on Jesus, they cannot function properly; take your eyes off Him, even for a second, and they will pounce. However, you still have the power to stop them. Check Ephesians 6:14-18. Luke 10:17.

You are important; you are powerful and you are anointed, but only when you are walking with Jesus. Don't ever try to do Spiritual Warfare without the anointing of Jesus upon you. You will not have the victory.

The beginning for you, was that lovely time when you started your journey with Jesus. Can you remember it? The ending will be, when He takes you into glory with Him.
Until then, live victoriously.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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