Friday, 8 January 2021

The Meaning of Confession

"John came baptising in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins"                                                                                   Mark 1:4   NKJV

There are four types of confession that we see in the bible:
(1) John the Baptist's confession that we need to repent.
(2) Our confession of sin at salvation.
(3) When we continue to sin in our walk with Jesus.
(4) Homologeo.

(1) John the Baptist paved the way for the Lord. Repentance is a prerequisite  to baptism; therefore, he came confessing God's Word, that he baptised with water but one was coming, who would baptise with the Holy Spirit. He confessed that Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). It was an acknowledgement that we are all sinners and need Jesus to forgive and cleanse us from these sins.

(2)  The second one is in obedience to Jesus that we confess our sins to Him and receive forgiveness and eternal life. In fact, we are born again to life with Jesus, because we know, we can never enter the Kingdom of God without this salvation.

(3) We are in no way perfect yet and possibly each day we will commit sin. This may be in the form of a bad thought, a judging thought, a bad word uttered, gossip and much more. We therefore, need to confess our sins on a daily basis and when we do, Jesus will forgive us. (1 John 1:9).

(4) The fourth type of confession is called in the Hebrew Homologeo, which means to say what God says and speak His Will and Word of faith. To explain: Homo means 'the same'. Logeo means 'word'. The phrase is, to say the same thing as another. Keep with me on this one. When we say the same thing as another we are agreeing with them and we confess, profess and openly declare this. 

Bill Winston comments: 'What Homologeo means for the believer is to say the same thing that God says; to agree, assent, concede to, confess and declare what God says in His Word. No matter what things may look like in the natural, we have to look past what we're experiencing in our health, finances, relationships or our soul and say what God says about it all. This is our confession'.   (The Law of Confession Copyright 2009 Dr Bill Winston).

Therefore, as I commented in my daily blog: The words we speak 5th January 2021, we need to look at and put into action Romans 4:17: 'God who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did'. Put this verse together with 2 Corinthians 4:18: 'while we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things that are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.' And finally, 2 Corinthians 5:7: 'For we walk by faith, not by sight.'

We can begin to see where Homologeo fits into the Christian walk. To be in faith, we need to speak the words that God speaks. This includes walking in healing; in blessing, financially secure, at peace and full of the power of God. The devil will try to tell you that this does not work. He does not want you to be this powerful. It will give him a headache and cause panic in the demonic world. We read our bibles daily and we either believe it or we don't. We cannot take bits and pieces out that we like and agree with and discard the rest. With God it is all or nothing.

Do a study on Homologeo in the Christian tense and you will begin to find a new excitement; the excitement that God wants you and I to live in.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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