Thursday, 18 February 2021

Be a worthy soldier of Jesus

"So I, the prisoner for the Lord, appeal to you to live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called (that is, to live a life that exhibits godly character , moral courage, personal integrity and mature behaviour - a life that expresses gratitude to God for your salvation)."                                                             Ephesians 4:1 Amplified Study Bible

This is the life that Jesus has called us to and the life that grabs the attention of people around you. Yes, you may suffer persecution from people who see you living for Jesus but, deep down, many of them want to be like you but they can't lose their street credibility, they have so much peer pressure that they just have to play the roles that they do.

To start with today, ask yourself:
Does my life exhibit godly character?
Do I live a life that expresses gratitude to God for my salvation?

Your honest answers to these two questions, will give you an idea about your Christian walk and what changes you may need to make in order to get it on track. To start with:

*  Change the way you talk about yourself. 
You are a child of God, so act accordingly. Don't accept the bad things others may say about you, just start confessing what God says about you and begin living that life, for Him. Listen to your words and change them where necessary. Only use wholesome, faith-building words about yourself.

*  Does what I do and say, live up to what I practice  - Christianity?
When you are in non-Christian company, be careful to keep your Christian values uppermost. Keep your witness by refusing to act the way the others may be acting - such as, dirty jokes, gossip and the language you use. When you're in company with non-believers - family or friends - it is so easy to drop your guard and start saying things like they do; using unwholesome words and generally lowering your standards. The American preacher, Bill Winston says, 'You can't run with rabbits and hunt with the hunters as well.' There is a choice that we have to make and this goes for the company that we keep.

*  Don't get dragged in
Don't ever let what the majority is thinking or saying influence you to go against the Word of God. Remember Joshua and Caleb. They had been sent out with others to spy out the land that God was leading them into. Joshua and Caleb came back singing its praises saying how great the land was. The others, brought a bad report - full of woe - saying that it was not for them, it would be a bad move (Numbers 13). So therefore, they ended up wandering around the wilderness for 40 or so years, and died there, except for Joshua and Caleb and that generation. Don't allow anyone to cloud your judgement. If God says it's ok, then it's ok.

Just live your life for Jesus, living up to your calling. This way you will be blessed.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

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