Saturday, 27 February 2021

How do you see yourself?

"(31) We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we ..... (33) we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight." 
                                                                                             Numbers 13:30 - 31 + 33   NKJV

Canaan was a land of opportunity that God wanted to lead His people into. Caleb saw this and said, 'Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.' v30. However, fear distorts faith and truth and it also devours people's judgements. This fear provoked a lie within the others and so, they presented a bad report. 'We are not able to go up against the people', they protested, 'they are stronger than we are.' v31

They looked at the giants and felt that there was no chance they could move there. They felt like grasshoppers in comparison to the giants, and because of this they were; the giants saw them this way. Doubt and fear produces a low self-image and people see us as we see ourselves. If you are of a strong and productive nature, people around you will notice this determination that you present and will be impressed. If you hide away in a corner, they will pass by because you are no threat to them. We either have a giant mentality or a grasshopper one. Which are you? God sees us as winners and overcomers. How do you see yourself? Our attitudes either lift us or bury us when we possess a, 'I can do this,' or 'I can't do this,' attitude.

 In all honesty, the giants were not the Israelite's problem, their tongues were and what they confessed from their mouths. When we confess doubt, we receive doubt in return. We begin to believe it and so, we go nowhere. Many people today, allow fear and doubt to rules their lives. They won't take risks; they want the answer before they've asked the question. Remember the waters of the River Jordan didn't part until the priests stood in the water. When they did, the water stood still and rose in a heap, and the people were able to cross over. Joshua 3:14-16.

Things happen when we exercise faith; when we speak faith out of our mouths and when we feel and hear it in our hearts; 'So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.' Romans 10:17. 

Do you believe a bad report or do you go for the good one? How do you react when you hear bad news? Remember, God has the final word; therefore we need to place our trust in Him. He can change any situation - and I do mean any!

Today, see yourself as a Man or Woman of God. A believing, Holy Spirit filled, soldier of Almighty God. Fear and doubt do not figure in such a life - only Spirit-Filled faith.

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