"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2 NKJV
Things can change suddenly and oftentimes, without any warning. This is what happened to the apostles and the others as they gathered together in the upper room that day at Pentecost. Suddenly the whole place shook and the power of the Holy Spirit came and filled them all with the energy and fire of God. It was something that changed their lives and the lives of every believer from that day and forever more. Suddenly, the unexpected happened. Notice one thing though, they were prepared and in position. They knew something would happen but they were not expecting it in such amazing form.
I want us to look at the concept of being prepared, ready and in position. Daily things can come along in our lives that we're are not expecting. Unexpected things happen and if we are not careful, they can knock us off balance. To give an example, I write for a monthly magazine and I am always diligent and aware of the copy deadline, so that I send it off to the editor on time for checking prior to typesetting. I say that I am always diligent in being ready for the copy date, well, this month, I wasn't. A number of things happened to me, all at once and I was so overwhelmed by them all that I actually forgot about the copy date, in fact, I hadn't even written anything. I received an email from the editor asking me where the copy was. It was due 1 March and it was now 4th. It would have been so easy to panic but I didn't. I felt at peace as I emailed the editor back to tell him that I would write and send it to him at once. He emailed back, and despite it being 4 days late, he told me to get it to him over the next few days, not to worry. I knew that God had blessed me through this - magazines are notoriously busy near deadline.
All of this made me consider the importance of being prepared, ready and in position. Even though I hadn't a clue what I was going to write about, suddenly it didn't matter, God was in control, not me and as I gave it to Him, He would guide me what to write. You see, God had trained me years ago about deadlines when I worked on a newspaper. He had sewn in me the ability to be prepared for the unexpected and being ready to change something at a moments notice. And because of this, when I was faced with this potential to flap, I was ready and in position.
It is rather like the early believers that day in the upper room. They had been with Jesus. He had prepared them for the unexpected; trained them to be ready and encouraged them to ensure that they are in position for whatever was required. And within you, He has done something that you're probably not aware of; but when the unexpected suddenly arrives, you will naturally flow into it without any hassle.
Often, God has been working within you and you haven't really noticed. It may have felt like nothing is really happening and you have been left by the roadside. That is so wrong, Jesus does not leave us on our own. He's only a heartbeat away, watching, waiting and praying for us.
Be encouraged, because God has done some special work within you and will continue to carry this out until you're standing with Him in Heaven. Philippians 1:6.
Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard
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