Monday, 22 March 2021

God's Mercies

"This I recall to my mind, therefore, I have hope."         Lamentations 3:21-23    NKJV

Jeremiah was prone to suffer from depression and here he finds a way out. The prophet has suffered severe anguish  and he couldn't see a way through all the darkness he was undergoing. This is quite a common symptom that one can suffer when they are depressed. There doesn't appear to be a way of moving forward and everywhere is painted in darkness. They need something to bring them hope. 

This happened to Jeremiah. He turned around and made the decision to change the way he was thinking. He began to think hope  instead of despair. He said, 'This I recall to my mind, therefore, I have hope.'. He then went on to say:

'Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.'

It is useful to think back to the times that God has rescued us; that time when we were in total despair, and He came, wrapped His arm around us, or even carried us and set us down on firm ground once again. I have a feeling that some people need to hear this today. You may have blown it yesterday, or recently, but the Lord's compassions fail not because He is faithful.

Note the word 'Mercies'. This is that Hebrew word again hesed. God's hesed remains and thank goodness that it does. It can be translated as, 'Covenant love or Steadfast love', and it demonstrates His compassion, truth, faithfulness and goodness to us, His children, who He loves dearly.

You may have been feeling low just lately through one thing or another. You may have thrown a wobbly yesterday, one in which today, you feel ashamed or guilty. You may feel that God will never forgive you now; you are a condemned person. Forget that, because that is the devil. He is the great accuser of the Saints. He loves nothing better than to tell God all about what we have messed up. God's answer is, that is My child who I love dearly. They may make great mistakes but My faithfulness is greater and they are covered by the Blood of My Son, Jesus.

So Child of God, speak wholesome things to yourself and stand up tall and straight. You have Kingdom business to take care of.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

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