Monday, 15 March 2021

The burden will be taken away - Final part

"He restores my soul"                                                                 Psalm 23:3    NKJV

Today we come to the end of our teaching concerning Yokes and Burdens as seen in Isaiah 10:27. We've looked at Bitterness, Rejection, Failure, Health and Jealousy. There are many more areas that we could discuss, and we will, at a later time. For now, realise that if you have studied these areas, taken them to your heart and prayed over each one of them, it is as if you have placed the burden of each one of them into the buckets on the Yoke frame you were carrying on your shoulders, and you are free of them. When we do this, God anoints us with fresh oil (Psalm 92:10) and He restores us as our text declares. 

God restores our soul, which is made up of our mind, will and emotions. The mind includes our thought life and what we take on board; the will is what we do about any given thing, how we react and finally, emotions is how it affects us, the damage, bad emotions can cause or the blessing of good thoughts. Daily restoration of the anxious, weary soul is a major human need. Jesus is our Bridegroom and He is preparing us - His Bride, for the Wedding Feast in Heaven. He is getting us ready. 

This is what looking within ourselves is all about. When the Bride is prepared, Jesus will return for us and the intimacy that was broken in the Garden of Eden, will be completely restored. We will once again become one with Christ and with God as Jesus prayed in John 17.

Have you ever thought what it must have felt like for God when, after creating the Garden and Adam and Eve, they broke that early covenant with Him by eating the forbidden fruit and allowed sin to enter this perfect world. He must have felt devastated by it all, even though He had a plan. Notice how He still had compassion for them by making clothes for them to wear prior to being banished from the Garden. Anyone who has ever had a child leave home, will know how it feels in the heart to watch them leave.

To be restored is to bring back into existence or use; to re-establish and put back into a former position or location. This is what Jesus does for each one of us that call on Him. If you have done this, you can be assured that He has heard your cry, and restored you. You are no longer the way your were, you have been transformed into His image. We all have hang-ups; we all carry burdens that become so heavy we stumble under them; but when we cast them over to God by putting them into the burden bucket fitted on the yoke frame, we become free, in fact restored.

Today, why not give Jesus a special thanks, an offering of gratefulness for all He has done for you. No one else could have helped you, only Jesus.

'Lord Jesus, we offer up our praise and thanksgiving to You, Our Mighty God and friend, who cared enough to come down to earth to set us free. We give You thanks.



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