Wednesday, 10 March 2021

The burden will be taken away. Part 2

"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."                                                                                         Ephesians 4:31    NKJV

In yesterday's reading, we looked at the burden and the yoke being removed from us, because of the anointing oil. We saw how a yoke can be described as a contraption that fits over the shoulders of a person and equal weights are put either side to keep balance. I felt that this was too important to pass over it quickly as there are many key areas that can be described as a burden and a yoke. Therefore, for the next few days, I felt it would be helpful to discuss areas on a daily basis. Imagine if you will, the wooden yoke over a person's shoulder with two buckets either side. Inside these containers are a burden in one and the reason for it in the other. Today's burden and yoke is BITTERNESS.

This yoke of bitterness may be upon your neck and try as you may, you just can't get rid of it. You've prayed about it - giving it to God, but it is still there. Why do you think that is? It's because, even though you have cast it over to God, you are choosing to hang on to it. You're so used to it now that it's part of your make up.

A root of bitterness grows when things happen that are not surrendered to Jesus. If you are still hanging on to this bitterness, then it will be obvious. A bitter person might shout out their inner hurt and anger by saying and doing things that hurt the feelings of other people. This may be done by demonstrating ruthless verbal and emotional words about that person and what they have done to them. There may be resentment and an acrimonious feeling towards the person that has hurt them. Perpetual animosity and fault-finding will also be there. 

You may well have been hurt by someone and everything you say they have done to you may be true. You may have discussed this with the person, all to no avail. But holding on to this - the pain, heartache, frustration and even anger, is serving no purpose except that you are carrying around a great weight - burden and a yoke; and God doesn't want you this way.

Be honest, is bitterness in your bucket? Are you carrying this around everyday? When we do this, whenever we see or hear about this person, we go into the area of anger. Our defence mechanisms shoot into place and we are on guard, ready to blow up.

It is time to empty this burden out of the bucket by letting Jesus take this burden away - totally. But be careful, don't give it to Him and then still hold on to it. That is fruitless. Give it to Him

'Lord Jesus, too long have I hung on to this bitterness in my heart. Like cancer it is spreading and ruining my walk with You. I surrender it to You and make the decision, not to take it back again. Instead, may the vacant place in my heart, be filled with Your peace.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

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