Monday, 8 March 2021

Transformed into a deeper relationship

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." 
                                                                                                Romans 12:2     NKJV

Let us break this verse down a little and get into the mechanics of it. There are three key words that Paul discusses here, the first being:

Being conformed, in the Biblical sense here, is being conformed to worldly lusts, or to the world's system of things instead of to the things of God. People who conform to the world's standard of behaviour, mask who they are in Christ. It is rather like being compromised. Some leading Christians sadly, compromise their faith and people's lives are terribly disrupted. We can get an idea of the importance of this warning by just taking the first three letter of the word, 'Conformed - Con.' People who conform to the world's standard of behaviour are conned and con other people too.
The next key word is:

This means to be transformed from the inside out. At the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-2 & Mark 9:2) Jesus' brightness was His inner person shining through, which was visible on the outside. His brightness is expected to shine through us, His children. Our whole life is changed from the inside out, and our mind reacts accordingly. No longer do we wish to speak the way we may have before our conversion and criticism and judgemental comments of people, are not a part of our lives any longer. 
And finally:

This is something that happens to us as we meditate and study the Word of God on a regular basis. We learn to focus on God's values not on our own or of the world. In a way, we are separated from the world - set apart - and we live for Jesus and Him only. This doesn't mean that we are not part of the world. This would be impossible for at this time, we live on this planet. However, we do not let it squeeze us into its mould. We see things differently because we think the way God does. We have changed our focus and submitted to God - wholeheartedly. We are no longer our own, we are God's. 

We belong to Jesus and therefore, people will notice this fact. They may not be able to recognise what the difference is, but the fragrance of Jesus, that we carry around, will allow them to come into the presence of God, giving them the opportunity to be the same.

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