Wednesday, 24 March 2021

What do you see and hear?

 "But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear."
                                                                                                 Matthew 13:16     NKJV

As Christians, we are the blessed. God has given us the Holy Spirit in order for us to be enlightened and led to the truth about the things of God. (John 16:30). Many unbelievers do not understand us, they think that we are strange, to say the least, especially if they hear us speaking in tongues. But there is so much more that we need to operate in.

Take for example a newspaper advertisement.I used to work in newspaper advertising at one time, and I know how an advertisement is created in order to grab the attention of the reader. There is a kind of psychology to it, one which draws the reader in so much, that they just have to have what is on offer. Life cannot exist without this particular item, type of thing. So, ask yourself, if a person is prone to believe what the advertisement is saying about something, and believe it; why then don't they believe what the Word of God says about Jesus? In a similar manner, a Christian may believe  their doctor when he tells them that they have an incurable illness, so, why don't they believe what is written in their bible about healing?

There is so much that we have to learn about. Time is running out. Many people believe that we are living in the last days - the end times. There is some scope to believe this when you look around at all of the terror and pain that is going on in the world today. Then of course there is the pandemic that we are still trying to get through. Add to that the violence and uprises that are happening all over the place and it is easy to believe that Jesus' return is imminent.

Whether it is or it isn't, we need to train ourselves to walk with God 24/7. There is a need to read the bible much more and understand it. We need to learn that, through Jesus, we have a future in Heaven. We are eligible to have God speak to us personally and show us things that no one else can see. He does this, as we draw nearer to Him. He is also available for us to speak to Him as well, at any time of day or night. He is so interested in you - more than you could ever imagine.

God longs to show you things that you've never seen and tell you things that you long to hear. He is Your Father - the Daddy of them all - Abba Father. Tony Campolo used to say that God carried a photograph of you in His wallet and whenever He saw someone, say, 'Have you seen My son - My daughter. Obviously, there is no possible biblical evidence to this, but I could see Him doing this. He is so proud of us and so much in love with us. In fact, He wants to show each and everyone of us, things to come and give us blessing after blessing.

The thing is, we need to get into position for this. We need to allow Him to give us eyes to see and ears to hear about the Kingdom. If you want this, spend more time with Him.

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