Thursday, 15 April 2021

Be filled with the Spirit

"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."    
                                                                                                           Ephesians 5:18    NKJV

To be drunk with alcohol is to allow that situation to take us over, totally, until we are no longer capable of being in control and are subject to reckless stupidity, something that we may regret when we come to our senses the next day. However, to be filled by the Spirit of God is very different. Charles F Stanley comments:

"When we talk about being filled with the Spirit of God, it does not mean that we receive something more from God. We are indwelt by the Spirit in full measure at the time of our salvation. Rather, being filled with the Spirit means that we live in submission to Him - or under His control. As He prompts and directs us, we immediately respond in obedience to His commands.'

We live for Jesus. When we were born again, He gave us His Spirit and we are to live in such a way, that we are continually filled each day, in fact, throughout the day. The power of the Holy Spirit leads us to perform what we would never be able to perform without Him. Just look at the guys in Acts 2 when the fullness of God's power came upon them. This is the same power that God wants to fulfil in us.

The reference to being drunk on wine is an analogy of fake strength. When a person is under the influence of alcohol, they believe they can do whatever they wish. They feel that the world loves them; they can fight the biggest person in the world and achieve great things like climbing up a large building, risking their lives. If they don't fall off and kill themselves, they wake up the next morning wondering what they have done - in shame. It is a short trip, it is over quickly and can be very expensive too. Being filled with the Holy Spirit, is much different and is permanent. The Spirit of God leads us into the things of God; that great excitement and hope that can be found nowhere else. He is empowering. 

Charles R Swindoll, starts each day with this prayer. Why not do the same:

'This is Your day, Lord. I want to be at Your disposal. I have no idea what these next 24 hours will contain. But before I begin, before I sip my first cup of coffee, and even before I get dressed, I want You to know that from this moment on throughout this day, I'm Yours Lord. Help me to be a branch that abides in the vine, to lean on You, to draw strength from You and to have You fill my mind and my thoughts. Take control of my senses so that I am literally filled  with Your presence and power and dynamic. I want to be Your tool, Your vessel today. I can't make it happen. Without You I can accomplish nothing. And so I'm saying Lord, fill me with Your Spirit today.'
                             Copyright 1993 Charles R Swindoll Flying Closer to the Flame p81

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

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