Monday, 19 April 2021

He reigns forever

"Holy, holy, holy, [is the] LORD GOD THE ALMIGHTY, [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all], who was and who is and who is to come [the unchanging, eternal God]. 
                                                                                     Revelation 4:8. Amplified Study Bible

The four living creatures (Rev 4:8-9) are cherubim, the highest ranking celestial beings cry out the praise above, all day, every day, eternally. As they do, the twenty four elders fall down before Almighty God and worship Him. What a picture that is - a picture of true worship.

I've chosen the Amplified version for this verse as it expands it well, giving us a closer view of Our Lord. He is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. He is omnipotent - all powerful and this power is unlimited. The devil may feel that he has things stitched up here on earth, but God is the Ruler of all. One day, Satan will meet Jesus face to face in battle. He knows about this and must be shaking from head to toe just at the thought of it. One day, he will be cast into the lake of fire with all his demons and the people who refuse to accept Jesus as Lord.

Just think for a moment, God was there at the beginning, before creation and Jesus and the Holy Spirit were also there. He was God then and He is now. But what is more encouraging, is that He will be God in the future too, for eternity. He is unchanging, what He says is true. He doesn't change His mind. If He has promised you something, that promise will come about, that is a fact.

Have you ever stopped and thought what Heaven is like? We get a picture of it in Revelation but, it is impossible to grasp it all. However, one day, you and I will share this wonderful place; we will see Jesus face to face and even be able to talk with Him. We will want for nothing and with time ceasing, we will dwell with Him forever. Even in a billion years time, we will be there, worshipping and praising Him and throughly enjoying every luxury that is possible. In fact, what we class as luxury now, is nothing compared to what we will have then. 

However, just pause for thought, we will have eternity forever in Heaven, we will be blessed beyond our wildest dreams. But those who refused Jesus, will also have eternity, but theirs will be in the lake of fire; totally separated from God and their loved ones who believed.

Share this commentary today, with as many unsaved people you can think of. Family, friends, neighbours, whoever you know who doesn't know Jesus. Encourage them to read it and say the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I give my life to You right now. Please forgive me for every sin I have committed, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and, be my Lord and Saviour. When I die, may I spend eternity with You Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen

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