Monday, 12 April 2021

Plan your path prayerfully

"Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.    
                                                                                                       Proverbs 4:26      NKJV 

There is a need for us to stay spiritually alert at all times. This includes taking regular inventory of our life's directions. Psalm 139:23-24 says, 'Search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; 24 and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.' 

If we ponder the path we are walking on - to our destination, it will lead to a more wiser way of living. When we are focused properly, we are less likely to go to the left or right. Proverbs 4:27 warns us not to swerve off course. This would be the result of allowing distractions to rule. We have choices. The most sensible course is to look straight ahead and refuse the distractions; the temptations, that will come our way. Athletes have to overcome this when they are in the starting blocks. If they look at, or listen to the person next to them who us telling them negative stuff, then it can affect their performance.

When an unwholesome thought comes into your mind, you need to capture it and make it obedient to Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you will take the wrong path; and let's be honest here, most of us have done this in the past.

It would be rather unwise to go on a strange journey without, either a map or sat nav directing your way. You could end up in problems. Do you get the idea? So plan your path wisely and prayerfully.

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