Sunday, 9 May 2021

A Priest's Blessing

"24 The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; 26 the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."
                                                                                                     Numbers 6:24-26    NKJV

The Lord spoke to Moses (v22) and told him to speak with Aaron the priest and let him and his sons know, that this was the way He wanted His people to be blessed. Therefore, it is more commonly known as the Aaronic Blessing. This is a guide for God's people to bless others too, after all, we are all recognised by Jesus, as Kings and Priests to God (Rev 1:6). So we need to place the Lord's name on His people. (v27). We do this to pronounce the favour of God upon them so that God, in turn, may bless them too.

The structure of the blessing is three-fold:

The first part is asking for God's blessing and protection on the people.
The second part is asking the Lord to direct His face towards the person in a gracious manner.
The final part it asks that the Lord's face may focus attention on the worshipper in such a way that the individual, experiences peace, which is Shalom - wholeness in a powerful way and that He delight in His people.

This really is an amazing blessing that we all can use on the people we meet. My wife and I say it to each other daily and it brings a warm feeling to the heart as we experience God in this.

A quotation from The Moody Bible Commentary on this piece of scripture, reads:

'When God's face shines, He looks to invoke benefits, but when He hides His face, He is angry. This peace is a sense of rightness in the relationship with the Lord, coupled with, tangible blessing.'

I encourage you to study this scripture throughly and get so used to it, that you too, use it as a daily blessing to yourself and all you meet. So may:

'The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.'

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