Saturday, 15 May 2021

Practice forgetfulness

"14 forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 15 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
                                                                                               Philippians 3:14-15    NKJV 

It's time to forget the past and move on. Yes it has been a difficult time and yes, you have been hurt and scarred. But, it's time to go forward and get on with your life!. The only one who is miserable, is yourself; everyone else has gone ahead. God is calling you to be forgetful. 'You can't say that.' 'I just have and I can, because it is written here in God's Word. He says, 'forgetting the past.' How clearer can that be?

Here, Paul is dis-satisfied where he is - he wants to keep growing. He doesn't wish for his past and his hurts to hold him back anymore. He has a job to do and a life to live and he wants to do both to the best of his ability and claim the prize.

To be successful in your Christian walk, you need to have a short memory and let go of the things that have held you back for so long. Stop looking through the rear view mirror and start looking through the windscreen, ahead.

"Is God forgetful then?' No, not at all, He just chooses to be that way for your sake. When you confess your sin to Him, He doesn't write it in His folder and file it away until He needs it again. No, that is not His way. When you confess your sin, He chooses to remember them no more. You will remember them but, He won't because He chooses it that way. So don't you think it's time to take a leaf out of His book - the bible? 

It is useless re-visiting hurts and failures. They will never go away if you allow yourself to keep them. It is time to throw them away - cast them to God, He's good at dealing with such stuff. Yes, it's time to cast them over to God and start living the life that Jesus has given you.

Can you say Amen to that? 

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

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