Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Whatever - fix your thoughts on Jesus

"Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."
                                                                                                       Philippians 4:8    NKJV

Habits, attitudes and lifestyle follow from the mind. Therefore, believers should set their minds on virtuous things. In order that we don't lose our peace; Paul gives us the list of things above, that we need to meditate on.

One of the reasons we don't keep our peace is because we tend to dwell on things that are set in opposition to the peace that we need. We dwell on lies that the devil whispers into our ears. We also dwell on bad things that have happened to us. The problem is, if we continue in this vein, we can become anxious and even, paranoid.

We can hear a whisper about something personal to us and, as we focus on this, which may be a lie, it becomes amplified and before long, it has become a major problem. It may be a lie from the evil one, but because we have focused on it for too long, we have believed it and now it is the truth. 

You may have had these times; times when, no matter what happens, this lie is uppermost in your mind, so much so that it has begun to torment you. The awful thing about this, is that it has just been that - a lie. There has been no truth in it at all, and you have wasted all of this time tormenting yourself and others that you feel was involved in this.

Unless you have any proof to something, please consider that it is a lie from the evil one who is insistent on sending you torment and fear. Instead, think about good and wholesome things. For instance, think about Jesus; about all he has done for you. Do you really think that He would want you to fret the way you have been doing? Of course he wouldn't. Instead, He would say to you, 'Whatever things are lovely, think about such things.'


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