Monday, 7 June 2021

Peter on: Making sure your reactions are sharpened

"For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil."   
                                                                                                     1 Peter 3:14-17    NKJV 

Many times in our Christian lives, we will come up against people who are not believers and want to demonstrate this by attacking us with words or occasionally in a physical way. Now the reason may be some deep-rooted feeling that happened in their earlier life, something that caused great pain. It may also be because they don't like you or God and resent your presence. The real reason may well be that they have a great fear that they too, may give their lives to Jesus, challenging their street credibility. Whatever it is, they give you some real grief. So how do we handle that kind of behaviour or when we are falsely accused. Well, there is a written formula here, containing six ways to act:

Receive the Blessing.  Consider yourself blessed that you have been recognised as a follower of Jesus Christ and that, the devil is not pleased so he has reverted to sending this attack upon you. This shows you that he is worried just by your presence. He knows that you have the ability to change this situation and bring the person into the kingdom. Rejoice.
Do not be afraid.  There is no need to fear because Jesus is right there with you. Just act the way He would and rise above their threats and accusations. You're the Child of the King, so act like it.
Worship the Lord.  It may not be appropriate to start worshipping God in front of your accusers but, inwardly, you can be praising God for what He is going to do to help you through the situation. It is vital that you listen to and be guided by the Holy Spirit. He has the answers and the ability to change your situation. Trust me, I have been in so many scrapes over the years and I have never been let down when I have inwardly called upon the Lord for help.
Be ready.  Always be ready to give an account of what you believe. There will always be a chance to do this and when it comes, you need to take it. As you do this, you are making a stand; you are holding up the banner of Jesus Christ and declaring that nothing is going to stop you, whatever comes your way.
Maintain a good conscience.  Be careful of what you say and do. Just one mistake and the person can point the finger and then we can be riddled with guilt, which is never helpful because the enemy will always use it against you. Maintaining a good conscience, can help direct the person who is offending you, to Jesus. They are often amazed at how a Christian can still maintain their faith under such difficult times and this can be frustrating for them, because it diffuses their accusations.
Be of good conduct. This follows on from point five; our conduct should be above reproach. Now when we are in the thick of things and people are accusing you falsely, others are threatening you or generally bad-mouthing you, it can be very difficult to avoid doing the same. Do not retaliate in such a away. Maintain your testimony of Jesus; uphold His ways and keep your cool for Jesus.

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