Wednesday, 9 June 2021

You're on the way back!

"However, the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaven."   
                                                                                                          Judges 16:22    NKJV 

God has not forgotten you. Your time is coming. People may have passed you over but God, never will. You are too important to Him for that.

Take a look at Samson. Yes, he made some mistakes; no one is perfect. He entered into a relationship with Delilah, who after finding out the secret of his strength, had his hair shaved and revealed this to the Philistines who came and took him, gouging out his eyes. After this, he was a has-been, a yesterday's man. Yet, God can do a lot with a yesterday's man who repents. God knew Samson's heart and would have heard his inward groaning. Thus, his hair began to grow back, giving him back his strength.

Sometimes, we have to reach rock bottom before we realise that we can't do this alone. God doesn't intervene until we call on Him for help. When we do, He is there. 'For whoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.'  (Romans 10:13). 

You may be going through a difficult time at the moment. It can seem that you are on your own and that no one wants to help. But take courage, Jesus is right there with you and waiting for you to ask Him for His help. Don't be proud by thinking you don't really need anyone's help, you've come this far and you've managed. You haven't, the way you feel now proves that. Be willing to receive His help. It may come directly from God or from someone He has sent to meet your need. Whatever, accept it, you can go no further until you do.

You may have been a someone - a great leader, boss, rich and successful. Something may have happened and you lost it all. Your health may have suffered and you are very ill. Or you may be down on your luck where nothing you do, seems right. But Jesus can help you with all of this; all you have to do is ask Him.

Why not call out to Him now - He is waiting:

'Lord, I come to You. Things are pretty bad in my life at this time but, I'm placing my eyes on You. Please help me Jesus.' I ask in Jesus' name. Amen


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