"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable , always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."
1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV
Whatever you do for Jesus, is never in vain, it is never wasted. He sees what you do and He is pleased with your loyalty and hard work. This is what steadfast means: firmly loyal and constant in all you do. You may not feel that your work, or your intentions to work, are noticed by God. You may not accomplish what you have started but, He says, 'Thank you for trying'.
You see with God, you don't have to be a highly qualified scholar to gain His attention; whatever you are, you have His attention and you have had it since the moment you were born. Now that your are 'born again', He sits eagerly watching your efforts, encouraging you and urging you along. He is your greatest fan; He adores you.
He knows what you have been going through of late. He knows your loyalty and is impressed by your determination. You may think you have failed to achieve what you set out to do for Him; He sits there in heaven and shouts, 'Hey, did you see that, did you see my child the way He handled that situation?' You see, He evaluates things so differently to how we do, At times, we aim for perfection or close to it. God is grateful that we have tried. He is happy when we have set out to achieve something for Him and it hasn't been successful, He sees it as if it has been.
The big guns of Christianity may bring thousand of people to know Jesus in one evening. You may never achieve that; but, He never wanted you to in the first place. He is just pleased when you just smile at someone, because it is Jesus who is smiling at them. He is pleased when you do something for another person, because it is Jesus doing it. He is pleased when you tell someone that you are a Christian, even though they may reject what you say; Jesus looks and feels, 'we have an evangelist here'.
Whatever you do, never think that your efforts are in vain; they are not. Be immovable, be steadfast abound in His richness because, you are His workmanship Ephesians 2:10. You were created in Christ Jesus for good works, and what you are doing is good.
Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard
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